Korea, the country of the east where the sun rises,
the land of the morning
Naju, the quiet and small southern city, a town as fine as silk.
On June 30, 1985, the Blessed Mother began weeping through Her statue owned by an ordinary housewife, who was operating a beauty salon located near Moohak-dang (a shrine of several Korean martyrs during Byeong-in Catholic Persecution in the 19th Century) in the small city of Naju, Korea.
Showing the visible signs of her weeping for a total of 700 days until Jan 14, 1992, the Blessed Mother has been calling us and pleading with us, revealing to us her extreme sufferings, sometimes also sweating and shedding blood from her nose.
Also for the conversion of sinners, after preparing for 400 days, She exuded fragrant oil from Her statue by squeezing Her whole body for 700 consecutive days between November 24, 1992 and October 23, 1994. She said that this fragrant oil and the fragrance of roses were signs of Her presence, love and friendship.
The Blessed Mother has especially warned us about sacrilegious Communions. That all may believe in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist and be saved, she has given us amazing Eucharistic signs. She has also given us many messages of the combined love of Jesus and herself through Julia since July 18, 1985 until now.
Correct devotion to Our Lady of Naju and the Eucharist
If you don't know why saltwater salmon swim upwards in the rivers, you might think they're stupid.The disciples, who did not fully understand God's plan to save mankind, begged for their Master, Jesus, not to walk the way of the cross. When there is a problem with our way of thinking and the basic framework of our concepts, we cannot see reality right away and are prone to erroneous assumptions and conclusions. In relation to the current situation where all kinds of distorted information about Our Lady of Naju is being circulated, I hope that the unfortunate history will not be repeated.
Two thousand years ago, the Jewish people did not recognize the coming of the Savior and rejected Him. Now, the Savior's Mother is being rejected by our own people!
However, on the other hand, I also feel that there is nothing much to be surprised at. This is because, if the Messages and Signs of Our Lady of Naju were content that compromised with the worldly way of thinking, there might not be much opposition as it is now.
How easy would it be if the fish followed the river instead of going against the tide?
The existence of opposition and strife may prove that the truth that Our Lady brings is not a compromise with the world, but a truth that comes from God.
The problem is that those who oppose Our Lady of Naju are not atheists, they are the children of the Holy Church. We need to think seriously about this. Is there really no problem in the faith of the members of our church today? Are they really accepting the truths that Christ has entrusted to the church without diluting or corrupting them?
If the content of our present belief does not match the truth given by Christ, and if the events in Naju are truly from God, we will not be able to understand Mother Mary's Messages and Signs well, and we will feel resistance and conflict in our hearts, which is a natural consequence. For example, if we do not believe in the Eucharist according to the teachings of the Church, the Messages and Miracles related to the Eucharist in Naju will appear to us only as contradictions and troubles.
If we have forgotten that the Christian way is the way of the cross, that is, the way of love and sacrifice, we will feel resistance to Jesus Who has suffered and shed blood on the cross that Julia Kim has seen, the Blessed Mother Who shed tears of blood through Her statue, and the repeated sufferings of Julia.

Also, if we are in favor of abortion, or if we have not yet repented of the abortions we have committed in the past, we will feel that the barriers in our hearts are too high to truly accept Our Lady's messages about abortion and Julia's sufferings in reparation for the sins of abortion in this world.
In recent years, the following tendencies have been developed not only in our country but also around the world.
Devotion to the Eucharist and devotion to Our Lady have been weakened. The devotion to the communion of all the saints has been forgotten, the sacraments of confession have not been made often, and the awareness of the value of the priesthood and religious vocations has been diminished.
In addition, the faithful neglect their duty to attend Sunday Mass and fail to respond strongly to numerous evils, including abortion.
The Lord has given us the eternal truth. It has been explained by the church scholars and practiced by the saints. However, the eternal truth is not shedding much light because of our complacency.
In this state, isn't it rather natural to feel conflicted about the pure and powerful messages of love and truth from the Blessed Mother of Naju? The Messages from Our Lady of Naju require us to change ourselves according to the teachings of Christ. The messages call for abandoning secular ways of thinking, restoring family peace, and participating in the spiritual war led by the Blessed Mother by living a life of prayer, love, self-renunciation, and offering up.
So, when we can purely accept the Lord's teachings through the church, we will be able to easily understand and accept the messages and signs from the Blessed Mother that were given in the past and now through Naju. It would be a good idea to reconsider the truth about the role of the Blessed Mother, which is especially neglected in modern times, and the church's teachings on the Sacrament of the Eucharist.