Julia’s Suffering in Reparation for the Conversion of Sinners 

Julia Kim responded with an "Amen" to the call of the Lord and the Blessed Mother, dedicating her life to penance for the conversion and salvation of sinners. She has participated in the sufferings to mend the torn Sacred Hearts of the Lord and the Blessed Mother each time many of their children in the world sinned.

Among the numerous sufferings Mama Julia has received are the pains of the stigmata of the crucifix, the crown of thorns, piercing pain as if sharp knives and spears were piercing her heart, the burning agony of the Sacred Heart being torn, the pain of seven arrows lodged in her chest, ablaze with fire, pains in reparation for the sins of abortion, pains of purgatory and hellfire, extreme pains from attacks by devils, the decapitation pain of St. Andrew Kim Dae-geon, many of the sufferings the Lord endured along the Way of the Cross, the pain endured by martyrs, the agony caused by sacrilegious Communion, and pains in reparation for the sins of obscenity.

Even now, she continues to beautifully offer the ongoing intense sufferings for the repentance and salvation of sinners.

Jesus and the Blessed Mother said,

"Because love has been destroyed, there is no unity among people. As a result, the outcries of human beings in the midst of their sins are turning into noises of wars, which, in turn, are reaching Heaven and provoking God's anger."

And they said that through the pain of the crown of thorns, the suffering of the Cross, the burning agony of the Sacred Heart, the decapitation pain of St. Andrew Kim Dae-geon, and the pains in reparation for the sins of abortion that Mama Julia endures, sinners will be led to repentance, and clergy and religious will unite in love.

In 1981, during Holy Hour, Mama Julia saw extremely miserable scenes: Jesus' garment lifted, His chest open, and His Heart torn to shreds, with blood streaming down. 


Then, she cried out loudly, completely unaware of her surroundings. 

"O Lord, my Lord! What shall I do with Your torn Heart?" At that moment, Jesus spoke loudly.

"When sinners sin, My Heart is torn apart cruelly in this manner. You who know Me, at least, mend My torn Heart."


"O Lord! I will mend Your torn Heart. I will mend it!" As Mama Julia roared loudly, everyone around her joined in weeping, and they all became solemn together.

After this, Mama Julia has been fully participating in the sufferings of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Mother due to the sins of the world’s children. With a willing heart to practice love, she has been graciously seeking the suffering of penance and has been living a life dedicated to sacrifice, self-denial, and poverty.

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The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju  12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea  

The Blessed Mother's mountain  Singwang-ro 425, Dasi-myeon, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea 

TEL  +82 61-334-5003 | FAX  +82 61-332-3372 | E-mail  marysnaju@najumary.or.kr  

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