Messages of Love

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1997June 12, 1997 -Quench my thirst by complying with my earnest and anxious request.

Message on June 12, 1997

His Excellency Bishop Paul Chang-Yeol Kim, head of the Cheju(=Jeju) Diocese in Korea, and Fr. Anthony Jung-Yong Kim, an elderly priest in the Kwangju(=Gwangju) Archdiocese, came to the Blessed Mother's House. Bishop Kim and Father Kim were conversing with Rufino and myself in front of the Blessed Mother's statue. Bishop Kim said that the Sacred Hosts that had turned into visible Flesh and Blood and the Sacred Hosts that had come down from above before should have been preserved. He was expressing concern over the indifference in the Church.

When the Bishop was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur again, (the Sacred Hosts) must be preserved," light began radiating from the Crucifix. Then, the Bishop said, "Let's pray together." At that moment, a white object descended. I tried to receive it in my hands, but it was so sudden that I could not receive it. The white object fell on the altar before the Blessed Mother's statue making a clearly audible sound. The Bishop, the priest, and others present heard the sound of the white object falling on the altar and went closer to the Blessed Mother's statue. Rufino shouted, "Oh, the Eucharist! The Eucharist!" The Bishop looked at the Sacred Host and knelt immediately, saying, "Jesus Who is living!"

I knelt, too, unable to control my tears thanking the Lord for giving a sign to the Bishop who was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur again, (the Sacred Hosts) must be preserved." I continued weeping, remembering how all of us who love the Blessed Mother were crying and feeling pain when the seven Sacred Hosts that came down on June 30, 1995 could not be preserved. Then, I heard the loving, kind and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.

"My beloved daughter! Today is truly a joyful day. (This) Bishop, who came to me saying "Amen" to the call of this Heavenly Mother, understood my concern and gave me consolation. Therefore, God manifested, with a special love, a sign of love by sending down the Eucharist personally, which is a substantial presence of Jesus Christ. God promised an inheritance to Abraham, not because he observed the laws well. God recognized him as a just man because of his faith and bestowed graces even upon those who were his followers. Likewise, all the souls who believe in the sign given to you today and follow it will receive the same graces as you.

Beloved Bishop! My dear son whom I can put in my eyes without even feeling any pain! Make it known in a hurry. Make known to everyone the Mystery of the Eucharist, in which the Lord is truly present, and the burning love of my Immaculate Heart and, thus, help the little soul whom I have chosen. When you follow me, keeping in mind that helping her is helping me, I will mark you with a seal of flames of the sublime and powerful love from my burning Immaculate Heart. Therefore, do not avoid me or be hesitant because of the desires of the corruptible body, face-saving and others' eyes.

In the Church, covering up one's own faults, having the spirit of being critical of others, and being quick and thorough about finding fault in others are what theorists do, not priests. That is because, even though reasoning is necessary, one must not jump to an impatient judgment on the love of the soul who is immersed in love.

Because even many of the clergy know with their brains and say with their mouths that a pursuit of the world and the flesh will lead to perdition and that a pursuit of the spiritual matters will lead to eternal happiness but are not practicing it, I called the Bishop, who is following me, in a special way and wish to spread the burning love of my Immaculate Heart.

Become littler. I invite you to Heaven where only little souls can enter. Because the gate of Heaven is small and large souls cannot enter it, you must become littler continuously and bring many souls to me so that they may be nurtured with my spiritual milk of love and become little souls.

My babies who have been invited to become little souls! The cup of God's wrath is overflowing, because the world has reached a saturation point with sins and great degradation. Expedite your efforts, remembering that the time of judgment is being delayed because of the little souls despite their small number. When the number of the little souls increases, God's voice of wrath and breath of anger will turn into blessing and this world will become the Kingdom of the Lord.

It is now the very time of purification. Hurriedly hold my hands and stay in the burning Sacred Heart of Jesus and the burning Immaculate Heart of this Mother. And offer up yourselves totally and spread the Lord's love according to the wish of this Mother, who is the Helper in Redemption, in order to save this world which has become corrupt and polluted in great degradation. Then, even the souls who are rushing on the road to hell may return to the bosom of the Church through you who think that you are unqualified.

My beloved little souls! My Son Jesus saved numerous souls with His cruel and terrible sacrifices. But numerous children continue offending Him and are not responding to the sublime love in (His) sacrifices. But the burning Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart are waiting for the return of all the children by leaving the door widely open and wish that this obstinate and wicked world will repent hurriedly and that the Kingdom of the Lord will be accomplished.

My dear souls who have responded to my anxious calls! I already said, "Those souls who carry their crosses following the Lord, spread and practice the Gospel, and accept my messages of burning love will be saved and enjoy eternal life." However, numerous souls implore me for help as if hanging on to a life buoy only when they are in pains and, after they receive the graces they have been asking for, they return to their miserable lives instead of reforming their lives and practicing my messages of love because of the preposterous false rumors and their pride. That is why my Heart is hurting so much that I make a request to the Bishop who came to me today. 

Help prepare a tabernacle beside me and celebrate Mass. Consult with the Bishop (of this diocese) and the Pastor so that Masses may be celebrated (in the Chapel). Quench my thirst by complying with my earnest and anxious request. That way, prepare wholesome opportunities to present the joy of love and repentance to those souls who have become so infected with sins that they have even lost their sense of direction and are wandering about.

Now, consecrate your souls to the cause that is precious to me and become dissolved in the divine virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity in a holy and universal way. As I will always be beside you who are following me, do not have fear of anything but spread (my messages). Those who are now opposing and criticizing you will beat their chests and repent later, making the number of the people on your side increase. The reason why I speak often and repeat my request is that many of the clergy, religious and (lay) children do not understand my words. Who will be responsible, if the herds of sheep which have become lost get dispersed and fall into hell?

The subjects of Satan are dazzling many souls even by secretly employing spiritualism. Therefore, hurriedly discern them and spread my messages of love solidly to the whole world. Thus, let us enjoy eternal happiness together with the Lord Who is truly present in the Eucharist. 

You, who are following me and working for me, will surely stand by my side and see the glory."

The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju  12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea  

The Blessed Mother's mountain  Singwang-ro 425, Dasi-myeon, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea 

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