Messages of Love
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The Chapel of the Blessed Mother of Naju 12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 58258, South Korea
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Message on November 11, 1990
I was crying because of my unworthiness. How can I better fill the Hearts of Jesus, Who anguishes over sinners, and the Blessed Mother, who is weeping? While I was experiencing great waves of agony in the depths of my heart, I began hearing the sorrowful voice of the Blessed Mother. Her voice was also very warm, soft and filled with love.
Daughter! My beloved daughter! Daniel was put into a lions' den, but was rescued by God's angel and prophets. Likewise, God will surely save those who seek His justice. Therefore, do not worry or feel too anxious.
God is attentive to the sacrifices and reparations by those who were saved from death and He will not ignore their deep lamentations. But the bloody sacrifices and reparations by my little souls are necessary to save those who persist in their betrayal, as God leaves them in ruins.
Even the most fertile soil turns into a wilderness, if neglected. Likewise, the water in a pond decays, if it stays there. You understand this well. Therefore, remove the stones from your heart, pull out all the weeds from it and arm yourself with conversion, prayers and the Words.
In this age, the devils corrupt numerous peoples' consciences making them commit sins of impurity even leading to murders; destroy human dignity by abortions; drag them into errors and all kinds of sins such as corruption, injustice, curses, violent words, hatred and revenge; and make them walk the way of selfishness. How sorrowful my Son Jesus feels when He sees all these children!
Now, come closer to me with love and entrusting everything to me. Spread my messages of love vigorously to all the children so that the lost Love of God can be restored in every corner of the world.
The storm is already becoming violent. I want to rescue this world into my Immaculate Heart, as it is facing a grave danger of being swept away by the storm and being destroyed.
My dear children! Come back in a hurry to this refuge, which is I, Mother Mary, your shield. I call you and call you until my throat bleeds, but only very few of my children respond. So, my Heart is hurting intensely and I am calling you with tears without ceasing .
Therefore, my daughter! I, Mother of Love, will become the ark sailing toward Heaven. Help me by forming the Order of Mary's Ark of Salvation so that all the children may come aboard. I am your comforter and refuge. I am the Ark of Salvation that sails toward Heaven.
To those souls who follow me holding my hands, accept me and put the messages of love into practice, I will become the Ark of Salvation for safe arrival at the heavenly harbor. I will hold their hands in all their tribulations, poverty and adversities.
Now, all my children! Come aboard this Ark which I made for you and let's sail toward Heaven sharing love.
Oh, my daughter! Tell my dear son, the Bishop. He has such a deep filial love for me. Now is the time to announce Mother's will without any delay. Since I put your hands together, form a unity now.
There will be many sufferings in gathering my numerous children together, but, through your sufferings, the sorrows and lamentations of so many children will turn into a joyful dance, and the tears shed at night will turn into joys in the morning as the souls who have been falling into the deep pit will be rescued.